Deploying Anybus ComBricks effectively requires careful planning and integration with existing network components such...
A cost-effective approach to PROFIBUS Permanent Monitoring: Maximising network reliability
Like any industrial network, PROFIBUS networks require consistent monitoring to ensure reliability, minimise downtime...
8 Benefits of implementing Anybus ComBricks into your PROFIBUS network
Anybus ComBricks is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to ensure the efficacy of their industrial network. It is a...
FREE ProfiTrace and COMbricks Training
Once you know the basics of PROFIBUS, come learn how to effectively troubleshoot PROFIBUS networks with ProfiTrace...
We’ve been receiving numerous requests for converting PROFIBUS PA to fibre optics lately. I believe that really what...
Procentec product training day
Today was the last Procentec training day for 2015 and we have a packed class of 10 attendees from companies such Sick...
Bandini Cheese: One of the first companies to implement ComBricks into their operations
Bandini Cheese is a South African cheese manufacturer supplying their products to numerous pizza restaurants around...
Using ComBricks to permanently monitor your plant
Sometimes the intermittent and unexplained failures of a PROFIBUS network can only be explained as one thing: "My...
Certified PROFINET Training in South Africa
The PROFIBUS/PROFINET Competence Centre of South Africa recently ran two Certified PROFINET Engineers in a row at...
The essential PROFIBUS survival kit
Embarking on the journey of Profibus implementation demands meticulous preparation, where having the right tools at...
PROFIBUS PA Link with remote monitoring capabilities
It's here! Transparent PROFIBUS PA link for 12 Mbps with COMbricks! PROCENTEC’s transparent PROFIBUS PA link/coupler...
Certified PROFINET training in South Africa and migrating from PROFIBUS to PROFINET
The popularity of PROFINET is growing in South Africa and so too is the requirement for training. One interesting...
Remote and permanent monitoring of PROFIBUS in Botswana
IDX has just returned from Botswana having done an installation of three shiny new COMbricks to monitor PROFIBUS...
ComBricks: A permanent monitoring solution
COMbricks™ - The first PROFIBUS and PROFINET-based automation system that unites network components, permanent...
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