by Michael Garnham | Jan 27, 2014 | Ewon Netbiter, Modbus, Permanent Monitoring, Products, Solutions, Technical Guides, Technologies
In this blog, I will discuss the steps involved in getting the Netbiter to record and display values coming out of the ComAp Generator Panel, so that one can do remote monitoring and control of the generator. The Netbiter Model used in this case is the EC220 and the...
by Michael Garnham | Jan 7, 2014 | Anybus ComBricks, Anybus ProfiTrace, IDX News, Products, PROFIBUS
It’s here! Transparent PROFIBUS PA link for 12 Mbps with COMbricks! PROCENTEC’s transparent PROFIBUS PA link/coupler enables seamless high speed integration to PROFIBUS PA. It powers the attached devices and fully emulates all PA devices as DP devices on the...