This is Part 2 of our case study on enhancing efficiency in platinum processing. If you have not read Part 1, click...
Integrating a real-time data storage solution with an existing plant infrastructure (Part 1)
A global mining company sought to enhance efficiency, reduce energy use, and improve product quality in platinum...
Outsourcing the migration of plant history
When an organisation decides to introduce a different Plant Data Historian the requirement to retain visibility and...
Migrating historical data between historians
Organisations that wish to change the data Historians use are often faced with the challenge of what to do with the...
IDX 8 Tag Manager: Managing the unmanagable?
Tag management of real-time data systems can prove challenging. As an industrial IT company, we frequently come across...
IDX 8 Historian
Industrial Data Historians are fairly commonplace. Generally, they fall into two categories: enterprise-class...
IDX 8 – Solutions for industrial data problems
Our company, Industrial Data Xchange, shares its name with our software suite, IDX. IDX first came into being in 1995...
IDX Historian
IDX has been busy developing a plant data historian that bridges the gap between low-cost simple file logging and the...
A need for tag synchronisation and management
Modern plant systems consist of various real-time data systems, often from different vendors and the data contained in...
Handling late data into a historian
Handling "Late Data" into a historian can be tricky when that data changes over time. For example, we have a situation...
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